Friday, September 15, 2006

Monday, September 10 - Friday, September 15, 2006

Hardware Project notes:

-A Harddisk uses platters which are round and flat disks.
-The platter is made of two main materials. A substrate material that form the bulk and gives it structure and resistance(e.g. Glass or Aluminium). To be suitable, the substrate material has to be durable, easy to work with, lightweight, stable, does not react to magnetic materials, and inexpensive.
-The next is a very, very thin coating of magnetic material where the actual data is stored. It is about a few millionths of an inch in thickness.
-The platters have a hole cut into the center of them and are fixed onto a spindle.
-These platters rotate at a high speed, they are driven by a spindle motor which is connected to the spindle.
-The platters spin at 3200 to 7200 RPM(Rotations per minute). That's 3000 inches per second or 274kph. The best hard disk in the world spins at 15000 RPM.
-Electromagnetic read/write devices called heads are fixed onto sliders and used to record information onto the disk or read information from it.
-The read/write heads are energy converters-They convert eletrical signal into magnetical signals and vice-versa.
-Tiny electro magnets perform this conversion using a special encoding method which converts data to streams of 0's and 1's and writes it on the disk.
-The sliders are fixed on arms. The arms are all mechanically fixed into a single row and are positioned over the surface of the platters by a device called an actuator.
-A motherboard controls the activity of the other parts and communicates with the rest of the computer.

-Each surface of a platter can hold billions of bits of data. They are organized into larger parts for easier use. also to acess the information faster.
-Every platter has two heads. One on top and one on the bottom. Example: A hard disk with 4 platters has 8 heads.
-Each platter has its information recorded in concentric (meaning to have the same center) circles called tracks.
-Tracks can be broken down to smaller pieces called sectors. Each sector can hold 512 bytes of information.

-The hard disk must be made to a high degree of precision because of the small size of the parts.
-The main part of the disk is kept away from the air outside to make sure no contamination gets onto the platters. Dust, random thinsg floating around in the air.
-It could cause damage to the read/write heads.

The rest of this project is on
Rakkan's blog.

Other information Aquired from:
How Stuff Works
Google for definitions
PC Guide


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