Wednesday, September 27, 2006


RAM Stands for Random Acess Memory. People usually tend to get a Hard drive and RAM mixed up. Here's a simple way to explain the difference:
Pretend a bookshelf is your harddrive. The bookshelf has alot of books, which is the data on your harddrive. A table is your memory. To read a book, or your data, you take it off the shelf and put it on the table to read it. If your table is small, as in you don't have much memory, you might be able to read 3 books at a time. But if your table is huge, you can read maybe up to 20 books. Basically, RAM holds the data you are using at the moment, and your harddrive holds the data which is already saved. Once you turn off your computer, everything on your RAM is wiped away. That's why you should save your work.

Today, the class saw 1 MB of RAM from when Mr.Case was in University. It was half the size of a textbook... and just 1MB. And having 1MB of RAM then was so cool. It costed around $1000. We also saw 1 MB of RAM later on, it was half the size of a ruler. It shows how much technology has developed in the past few decades. Now you can fit 1GB of RAM on that little piece. It's also much cheaper. 2GB of RAM should cost somewhere between $400-500.

An average motherboard nowadays allows you to hold 1-2GB of RAM. Some extremely good computers let you hold 16GB of RAM. I'd like to game on one of those computers >:).


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