Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Our assignment for friday was to have four paragraphs written about four different podcasts, excluding the one we already wrote on so I chose these:

GameTrailers.com - Sony PS3 Spotlight.

This is a video podcast that reviews games, talks about PS3 news and anyother PS3 related information. I found this podcast on iTunes. I really like this podcast because the reviewers are pretty honest about games and don't make anything sound good unless it really is. The episode I watched reviewed the 'Sonic the Hedgehog' game for the PS3/Xbox360 consoles. The game got a bad rating because the controls really suck and the main story line is pretty corny.

Dane Cook's Tourgasm

This is a mix of a video and audio podcast about Dane Cook. This podcast has parts of Dane's act which are hilarious. It also has interviews and other videos of Dane on his tour. The episode I listened to talked about Dane getting to see someone getting hit by a car. Apparently he really wanted to see this...

Ask A Ninja

This is a funny podcast about a guy dressing up as a ninja and answers some questions that were sent by his watchers. I found this podcast on iTunes. Why I like thi spodcast is because it's an original idea and not copied from somewhere else. The Episode I watched talked about Santa Claus being a ninja. That's how he gets to deliver presents to millions of houses in one night. His Elves aren't really elves, but actually short ninja's who have stains of blood on them. These stains were obtained by killing kids who woke up at night to try and find Santa.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


A Podcast is a broadcasting of a multimedia file (eg: Video file, audio file) that is available for people to download on a routine. iTunes is normally used for playing Podcasts but there are other way too. A Podcast can be on any topic and is not very hard to make.

One of my favourite Podcasts is the PSP Podcast. Lloyd Hannesson is the host of the PSP Podcast. He owns a website called
Portable Gaming Revolution. A new PSP Podcast is published one to thrice a week depending on how much time Llyod has on his schedule. The Podcast reviews PSP games, accesories, and talks about any new news on the PSP. Lloyd gets help from his wife, a few of his friends and members of his forum. They are currently on their 56th Podcast.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Last week, we had to make a webpage using powerpoint and an interactive powerpoint presentation on anything. We learned how to use some features our class may not have know about.
One of the new things I learned is the pack and go feature. It will allow any powerpoint presentation to open on most computers, even if they don't have a powerpoint viewer.
Another thing I learned about are the action buttons. You can use them in many unique ways to direct someone to a specific slide.
Also, you can save a presentation as a webpage. We had to find the logo of all the websites we used and stick them onto a slide. Then we hyperlink them to the website they're from. After that, we can save them as a webpage from File > Save as Webpage.
We should also back up any files that we used into a specific folder just incase we lose the presentation and need to start all over.