Monday, December 04, 2006

Our new assignment is to find 10 new things we can do on microsoft word and blog about it. This is what I found.
-Multiple Pages Icon - On the print preview page, it lets you see up to six pages at a time.
-Increase/Decrease Indent - Allows you to increase or decrease the amount of space to indent when starting a new line or paragraph.
-Undo Icon - Allows you to select and undo (a) command(s) that has been done from a list.
-Rotate text - This icon can be found in the tables and borders toolbar. It allows you to rotate the text going horizontal, or vertical.
-Insert > Date and time - This command lets you insert the date in any format you like.
-Format > Change case - This command allows you to change the case of the text. (Upper, Lower, Title, Toggle case)
-Format > Background - Changes the background of the page into any color you like.
-Tools > Word Count - Allows you to see how many words, pages paragraphs, etc.. are on the open document.
-View > Toolbars - this tool lets you select or deselect a toolbar you want to have on the page or don't.


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