Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In today's class we talked a bit on an assignment which will be assigned next class. We have to write a one page tutorial on the Microsoft word tip we presented to the class. ...Can't wait for that.
We also partnered up with someone in the I.T class to make our own podcasts. One podcast has to about what we learnt during our chosen week and make a 10 minute podcast about it. We also have to make another podcast on anything we like, how ever long we like. I have no ideas for that yet. The Podcast is going to be recorded and edited in a program called "Audacity." I haven't tried it out yet, but I will soon.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Our new assignment is to find 10 new things we can do on microsoft word and blog about it. This is what I found.
-Multiple Pages Icon - On the print preview page, it lets you see up to six pages at a time.
-Increase/Decrease Indent - Allows you to increase or decrease the amount of space to indent when starting a new line or paragraph.
-Undo Icon - Allows you to select and undo (a) command(s) that has been done from a list.
-Rotate text - This icon can be found in the tables and borders toolbar. It allows you to rotate the text going horizontal, or vertical.
-Insert > Date and time - This command lets you insert the date in any format you like.
-Format > Change case - This command allows you to change the case of the text. (Upper, Lower, Title, Toggle case)
-Format > Background - Changes the background of the page into any color you like.
-Tools > Word Count - Allows you to see how many words, pages paragraphs, etc.. are on the open document.
-View > Toolbars - this tool lets you select or deselect a toolbar you want to have on the page or don't.